SEO by Glen Maguire

Finest SEO Choices for the Best Results

Basically the funnel is divided into three parts: TOP, MIDDLE and FUND. Knowing this, we will generate content for all three and not just for the bottom of the funnel. But then, what would be content for the top of the funnel? An idea. Content for the middle of the funnel? The idea formed. Funnel fund would it be? The photographer. Knowing this, let’s go to practice. With the best SEO by Glen Maguire you can now find the best deals.

Strategic Content

Create content that answers questions or gives tips to your audience, be it, photographers, brides,

Hopper top

This piece so important for the bride can vary a lot, because there are some factors that must be taken into account: height of the bride, type and color of the dress, in addition to the personality of the bride.

On-page SEO is optimizations in the content of the pages of a website, such as title, meta description, images and the text itself. These optimizations send strong signals to the search engines, as they are linked to the content that the visitor finds on the site. This way they can guarantee pages fully prepared for good organic positioning. Technical SEO is the foundation of a Holistic SEO strategy. This time I’m going to introduce the concepts of On-page SEO, so let’s go a little deeper.

What is On-page SEO?

They are optimizations applied to the pages of a website, such as a title, meta description, images and content. These improvements send strong signals of relevant and quality content to search engines like Google.

SEO by Glen Maguire

Simply put, it is to find the best opportunities within the site that have the potential to leverage organic results. There are certain elements on a page that have the potential to send Google strong ranking signals. When we think of SEO optimization, it naturally comes to mind to improve headlines, optimize the content or try to enrich them with media elements.

Much of these tactics are On-page.

Google highly values ​​the user experience which involves from the moment of search to the consumption of content within the site. Having relevant content that provides good chances of rank is the minimum when we think strategically.

How to improve your website’s On-page

There are many opportunities to optimize a page for good positioning on Google it will depend a lot on its current performance, its rank and the moment of its strategy. For example, good practices in using keywords are on-page optimizations. Strategically placing them in the Title, making use of LSI to avoid excess and fitting it well into the reading experience. But in general, there are the key elements that you should devote your attention to on each page. Let’s talk about each one of them:

Title Tag

The Title Tag, inserted in the page header, helps the search engines to display in the results a title that represents the content. One of the most important elements on the On-page, the page title has great weight in the strategies and can increase the rate of clicks and entries on the site. This is HTML markup visible only in the code, which is displayed on the search results page: It is displayed on average 65 characters, so the idea is to be concise and accurate in the message. My tip is to try to stay in 55 characters, ensuring the full display on mobile and desktop. Also, try to use the main keyword and its variations, but in a natural way and not forcing with the use of commas, for example.